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их можно брать только как донор по ленте - в этом поколении др2 много траблов в механике - косоватый корпус и спорный элемент лентоукладки, имхо


Это с доставкой уже. Если будет желающих штук на 10 - то по 1,8

ПыСы А может у кого есть б/у в хорошем состоянии BASF LH EXTRA I (что с "рычажной" лентоукладкой) ? Нужна как донор


andylevi16 , а давайте познакомимся? Smile


(11-03-2015, 10:10 AM)Sirkon Написал: [ -> ]andylevi16 , а давайте познакомимся? Smile
Завелкамился Smile


Люди, а что вы можете сказать про этот лот?


Я таких блок продавал с полгода... потом продал остаток из 6-ти штук чуть ли не в пол цены - где около $1...1,5.
внутри голимый ширпотреб - лучше не вскрывать и под запись не брать - очень слабая лента ...

Моя колежанка, дитина цифрової епохи, підсіла на касети cassette
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I received a series of bizarre texts from an unknown number that seemed to be looking for their belongings in my car. The texts did not appear to have any malicious intent or ulterior motive, but they were very confusing and inconsistent. They asked about a yellow lipstick and a caliber, which I did not understand. They also stopped replying after I tried to be polite and helpful. I have no evidence of these texts as they happened a long time ago. I am curious about the nature and purpose of these texts. Is this a known phenomenon or prank? What could explain this strange communication?

I received a series of bizarre texts from an unknown number that seemed to be looking for their belongings in my car. The texts did not appear to have any malicious intent or ulterior motive, but they were very confusing and inconsistent. They asked about a yellow lipstick and a caliber, which I did not understand. They also stopped replying after I tried to be polite and helpful. I have no evidence of these texts as they happened a long time ago. I am curious about the nature and purpose of these texts. Is this a known phenomenon or prank? What could explain this strange communication?

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